Sage Heart

Sage has been working with helping Spirits for healing and guidance since 2008, and completed her shamanic initiation in May 2019 after a ten year apprenticeship with Paula Denham.  She holds a Master’s in Public Health from the University of California at Berkeley, and a Master’s in Psychology from Northern Arizona University.  Sage has a lifelong interest in nature, psychology and indigenous spirituality and found her shamanic calling while attending an introductory workshop with the Foundation for Shamanic Studies. She completed several trainings with the Foundation before beginning her apprenticeship.  She has shamanic skills and experience in all the services listed in Shamanic Healing, Shamanic Counseling, and Other Shamanic Services.

Sage is an avid reader with broad knowledge and experience in the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of grief and trauma healing.  She was fortunate to have participated in three weekend-long African Grief Rituals with Dagara Elder Sobonfu Some, who died in 2017. She is also a registered yoga instructor.  Sage has found deep healing through shamanism.  Her personal experiences allow her to bring profound compassion, insight and gentleness to her work.

Sage is not accepting new clients at this time.

Please email Sage at: